• Hum-ed can work as anti diarrheal anti clostridial due to containing humate.
• Can prevents the absorption of bacterial toxins and the adhesion between the cell and viral envelope and so agood antiviral and antibacterial.
• It is effective in the treatment of zinc deficiency states in farm animals. it helps in increasing
level of fertility in animals. damaged tissue also heal quicker with HUM-ED.
• Increase growth rate and FCR.
• Prevention and treatment of enteric diseases as E-coli, Salmonella & clostridium.
• Stimulate the immune system good response to vaccination. Ducks:
• Prevention of duck cholera and duck plague. Calves, Dairy and Beef cattle:
• Antidiarrheal.
• Improving the daily milk production, growth rate and FCR.
• Reduces of milk fever and mastitis. Fish:
• Increase fertility and hatchability.
• Increase soluble oxygen in water.
• Prevention of bacterial and mycotic infection of skin, gills and fins.