


contain per 1 gm:
Sodium butyrate 98 %                          100 mg.
Manganese (Manganese sulphate)       30 mg.
Iron (Ferrous sulphate)                           15 mg.
Zinc (Zinc Oxide)                                      25 mg.
Copper (Copper sulphate)                     2.5 mg.
Iodine (Calcium iodide)                         0.2 mg.
Selenium (Sodium selenite)                   0.1 mg.
Cobalt (Cobalt sulphate)                       0.05 mg.
Humic acid                                                500 mg.
Calcium carbonate (Carrier ) add up to     1 gm.
• Anti- clostridia.
• Growth promoter.
• Immuno stimulant.
• Increase fertility.
Dairy cattle: 2 kg /ton concentrated ration.
Calves: 30 gm/ head/day.
10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 gm, 1, 2, 3, 5,10, 20, 25, 50 kg

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