


Contain per 1 ml: 
Vitamin D3                                                         2000 IU.
Calcium (Calcium chloride 36.11%)                 30 mg.
Magnesium (Magnesium sulphate 20.19%)     2 mg.
Sorbitol                                                                   50 mg.
Distilled Water Add up to                                      1 ml.
• Easy to absorb by the intestines of the animals.
• Indicated for improving bone strength.
• Boosting the immune system and maintaining the blood Ca and Mg levels.
• Increases egg production.
• Strengthens the eggshell.
– The recommended dose is 1 ml /2 litre of drinking water or as advised by a veterinarian.
– Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours.
100, 250, 500 ml, 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 200 liter.

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