Vitamin E is a fat soluble intracellular antioxidant, involved in stabilizing unsaturated fatty
acids. The main antioxidant property is preventing formation of toxic free radicals and oxidation
of the unsaturated fatty acids in the body. These free radicals can be formed in periods of diseases
or stress in the body. Selenium is an essential nutrient for animals. Selenium is a component of the
enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which plays an important role in protection of cells by destroying
oxidizing agents like free radicals and oxidated unsaturated fatty acids.
• Anti oxidant.
• Compensate the deficiency of vitamin E, Selenium.
• Soothes the respiratory tracts in animals.
• Increase fertility, vitality and hatchability.
• Improve the metabolism.
• prevention of encephalomalicia, muscular dystrophy and exudative diathesis.