


Contain per 1 gm:
Yeast Cell wall (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)                                  500 mg.
(Beta glucan     100 mg, Mannan oligosaccharide                        90 mg).
Silymarin                                                                                                25 mg.
Bentonite up to                                                                                        1 gm.
BOOSTRED is strong anti-mycotoxin that adsorbs most types of mycotoxins and stimulate the immune system.
It is a combination of yeast cell wall (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), active bentonite and silymarin.
Yeast Cell walls (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and bentonite:
• have complementary spectrum of activity leading to high adsorption capacity on mycotoxins and bacterial toxins.
• MOS are capable of binding pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella and E. coli, to reduce pathogen infection in the intestine of animals.
• MOS also acts as a proinflammatory factor inducing immune responses.
• β-glucans act as immunomodulatory which trigger cytokine production and enhance proliferation of lymphocytes.
• MOS and β-glucan might positively interact to improve intestinal health and growth performance in chickens.
• Silymarin protect liver cells includes stabilization of membranes, free radical scavenging.
• silymarin is able to moderate the immune system.
• Detoxification of feed contaminated with mycotoxins.
• Inhibition of absorption of consumed mycotoxins in the gastro-intestinal tract.
• Hepatoprotective and decrease the effect of toxins on liver.
• Increase in feed efficiency and improve FCR.
• Balance the gut microflora.
Poultry: 0.5 kg /ton feed.
Cattle: 15 gm/head /day.
Fish: 0.5 kg / ton fish feed.
50,100, 250, 500 gm, 1, 2, 5, 10 20, 25 kg.

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