


contain per 1 gm:
Vitamin k3                200 mg.
Biotin                        0.01 mg.
Dextrose Add up to      1 gm.
K3 vit is indicated in the treatment and prevention of haemorrhages aassociated with vitamin K deficiency or intestinal parasitic infections such as coccidiosis and as an antagonist for anticoagulant poisoning (e. g due to rodenticide toxicity, sweet clover poisoning or treatment with sulfaquinoxaline in calves, cattle, goats, poultry and sheep.
• In vitamin K and selenium deficiency.
• For digestive tract infection.
• During treatment by sulfa drugs.
• Supportive treatment for Gumboro disease and fungal toxins, coccidosis.
Poultry: 1 gm / liter drinking water.
10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 gm, 1, 2, 5 ,10 kg.

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